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Russia &– the possibilities of market research

08.05.2008, Cologne. Contemporary business environment is fairly deemed as being really competitively severe and so rapidly changing. Nowadays business innovations are the most reasonable sources of business growth either realized through new products development or new markets penetration. Internationalization is one of the most proactive ways to innovate and succeed for many European companies. But this complicated process requires lots of market information in order to be effective and efficient.

Russia is a country which economical growth rates are fabulous. Today it is one of the most outstanding countries in terms of FDI and GDP growth rates. The reasoning behind is simple: steadily growing population incomes and stabilization of economical, social and political situations. And together with economy development there comes an increasing transparency of companies and markets that make the investments into Russian economy more profitable, safe and fairly predictable.

Thus, today almost any information about Russia and Russian markets is available for European companies seeking for new markets with high investment return potential. But in many cases the information pieces are spread in enormous amount of different sources and moreover they might not exactly fit the concrete company needs. Or even the market research required hasn’t been conducted yet and the information can only be gathered through field research. Under such conditions the participation of intermediate business agency is required, which services would be professional and helpful in acquiring and adjusting the foreign market information.

Nechaev Business Services (NBS) is a European consulting agency specializing on business consultancy mostly for Russian and German companies. Its services include business consulting, market data sales, development of business contacts abroad, representation of companies in foreign countries, etc. The company works as an intermediate between Russian and German business environments and is able to facilitate in figuring out of many business related issues.

Thus among many other services, NBS offers its clients to evaluate the attractiveness of Russian market through providing the market research data on Russian industries. Today NBS is able to offer a great deal of diverse marketing information either general information on Russian economy or specific market research on particular industry and/or regional market. The information can be collected from both secondary and primary sources. It means that besides desk research NBS can conduct a field research of any scale via the network of partner research agencies.

At the moment NBS already possesses a big collection of prepared market research reports about different Russian industries, from foodstuff to IT and telecommunications. This information is fresh and it has been adapted and translated to German. Besides, NBS has some ready economical data reports, which also can be very useful in estimating the attractiveness of Russian market. And as said before any other information on Russian market can be collected specifically for client’s needs.

To conclude if your company is interested in evaluation of Russia as a new market with high returns potential or already plans the expansion strategy to Russian market, here is a strong need in fresh and relevant market information. Any issues of getting market research data on Russian markets are discussable over here.

Cologne, Germany
Nechaev Business Services

Zähler: 3317995