Markt-Studie Russland | Statistics of Economic Indicators for Russia
Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Russland
Erscheinungsdatum: 18.06.2008 – renewable
Seiten: 23
Sprache: Englisch
Aktualisierung bestellbar: Kontakt
Economic Indicators for Russia – 20xx
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Socio-economic Indicators
2.1 Population
2.2 Labor Force
2.3 Unemployment Rate
2.4 Income of the Population
2.5 Household Consumption Expenditure
3. Financial Indicators
3.1 Inflation Rate
3.2 Gross Domestic Product
3.3 Government Expenditure
3.4 Gross Fixed Capital Formation
3.5 Money Supply
3.6 Stabilizing Fund
3.7 Interest Rates
3.8 Foreign Exchange Rates
3.9 Foreign Exchange Reserves
3.10 Foreign Investments
3.11 Capital Investments
3.12 Stock Market Growth
4. Industrial Sector Growth Indicators
4.1 Agricultural Sector
4.2 Retail Sector
4.3 Industrial Production
4.4 Freight Carried
5. Trade Indicators
5.1 Exports
5.3 Balance of Trade
5.4 Current Account
List of Exhibits
2.1: Population in Russia 20xx-20xx (in million people)
2.2: Labor Force in Russia 20xx-20xx (in million people)
2.3: Unemployment Rate in Russia 20xx-20xx (percentage of labor force)
2.4: Annual Average per capita Monthly Income in Russia 20xx-20xx (in rubles)
2.5: Household Consumption Expenditure in Russia 20xx-20xx (in billion rubles)
3.1: Percentage Change in CPI for Russia 20xx-20xx
3.2: Percentage Change in Industrial Producers Price Index for Russia 20xx-20xx
3.3: Gross Domestic Product (Nominal) of Russia 20xx-20xx (in billion rubles)
3.4: Growth Rate of Russian GDP 20xx-20xx
3.5: Russian Government Expenditure 20xx-20xx (in billion rubles)
3.6: Gross Fixed Capital Formation for Russia 20xx-20xx (in billion rubles)
3.7: Money Supply in Russia 20xx-20xx (in billion rubles)
3.8: Stabilizing Fund of Russia 20xx-20xx (in billion rubles)
3.9: Interest Rate in Russia 20xx-20xx
3.10: Average Exchange Rate of Ruble vs. US Dollar 20xx-20xx (in rubles)
3.11: Total International Reserves of Russia 20xx-20xx (in billion US$)
3.12: Currency Reserves of Russia 20xx-20xx (in billion US$)
3.13: Foreign Direct Investments in Russia 20xx-20xx (in billion US$)
3.14: Annual Growth Rate for Capital Investments in Russia 20xx-20xx
3.15: Annual Stock Market Growth Rate in Russia 20xx-20xx
4.1: Annual Agricultural Production Growth Rate in Russia 20xx-20xx
4.2: Annual Growth Rate of Retail Trade Turnover in Russia 20xx-20xx
4.3: Annual Industrial Production Growth Rate in Russia 20xx-20xx
4.4: Annual Growth in Freight Carried in Russia 20xx-20xx
5.1: Annual Exports from Russia 20xx-20xx (in billion US$)
5.2: Annual Imports in Russia 20xx-20xx (in billion US$)
5.3: Annual Trade Surplus for Russia 20xx-20xx (in billion US$)
5.4: Current Account for Russia 20xx-20xx (in billion US$)